Thursday, May 8, 2008

Getting My Hair Done

My mom has done my highlights the last few times, as a cost saving measure. She’s actually getting really good at it. What’s really funny is that the whole time it’s going on, our little dog Mickey wants to be in my lap giving me kisses.

I think he thinks it's the equilavent of me having to go to the vet or something and he feels bad for me. Below is a pic from the latest session. My mom digs in kind of hard with the hook thing but if I complain she tells me to shut up and that she will give me Paulie Walnuts side wings if I say another word.

The last part is the best. When my mom gets done pulling my hair through the hat and applying the solution, we wrap it up in a plastic bag just like at the real salon. But then I hop in my car and head home to wash it out. I've got things to do! LOL

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