Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Your life story in 6 words...

Someone challenged me to write my life's story in 6 words the other day. Actually this is a big movement and can be followed on http://www.smithmag.net/sixwords/.

I thought and thought, and this is much harder than it appears. I initally came up with this:

Past's done.
Present's here.
Future's mine.

But that's vague and predicatable. So here are some others I'm considering:

Art's inside me
Want it out

Don't have the life I want.

Where's the bathroom? I've gotta go.

Bug or windshield?
Sometimes my choice.

No matter what
I love me

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

I can't believe
The remote's gone

I like turtles.
I wanta pickle.

Fish don't fry in the kitchen.

I'm my bestfriend and worst enemy.

I can't take it with me.

Those are mine. Some of the most intriguing ones I read were:

For sale
Baby shoes
Never worn

Birth was amazing
Downhill from there

Buy my art
Leave me alone

Daydreamed daily of spending lottery winnings

I am more than six words

Afraid of dying, terrified of living

Some really good quotes I heard this week

"People can only upset you or hurt you if you love them. Think about that for a minute."

"There are 2 ways to acquire more money: make more of it, or spend less of it."

"It takes as much energy to sit around wishing and hoping as it does to be out doing."

"I drink your milkshake. I drink it up."

"If you don't know what you want, you can't really go get it now can you?"

"You don't have to stay in the life you're in."

"Risks would be risky if there wasn't a risk. Taking risks is the only way to get a big payout in the end, whether the result is happiness, money, relationships ... whatever."

"As you lay on your deathbed in 50 years, are you really gonna sit there and say, 'Gosh, I wish I'd worked a little harder that one Thursday night.'. Let it go, put it in perspective."

"These pretzels are making me thirsty."

Thanks to all of my wonderful friends and family members who helped me through a little drama this week. Your wisdom, insight, and caring is very appreciated!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The best things in life ARE free

I had a little financial set back this weekend. Well, 4 actually. This was cause for reflection. And swearing. And crying.

I'm now in search of things in life that are meaningful but free. Here is my current list:

1. Shit on the side of the road. (See exhibit 1a)

2. Sunsets

3. Prank calls

4. Illegally downloaded songs

5. Towels at hotels

6 Soda refills (this can apply even days after a purchase)

7. Coffee at work (but it tastes like ass)

8. Naps

9. My neighbor's Sunday paper

10. Bulk candy at the grocery store

11. Naps

12. Parking in a spot where there's still time left on the meter

13. Sample day at Sam's Club
14. The movie after the one you just paid to see.
15. Popcorn refills if you can score a bucket out of the trash at the movies.
16. Perfume (one squirt at a time at the mall)

[This list is in progress. Check back soon for additions.]