Saturday, February 7, 2009

Things I learned this week

1. If you are Michael Phelps, you should probably puff on your bong in the privacy of your own home.

2. It's proving easier than I thought to make one new friend each month.

3. It is possible to leave a casino with more money than when you entered it. Also weighing more than when you entered.

4. You can move a large bed headboard from one residence to another residence by holding it inches off the ground from inside your car, while driving.

5. Friends can help you in more ways than you can even imagine.

6. At least 5 people I know think that I should go to Mexico (because I've never been).

7. I'm officially a Life Coach!

8. It's easy to make Hollandaise sauce.

9. If you own the telephone number 867-5309, you can sell it on eBay for half a million dollars or so.

10. When old people get a new car, they give it a name. Just like a pet or a baby.

11. If you just ask, you can get a lot of things in life.

12. Christian Bale is nuts.

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