Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I went to Nawlins for a little fun. I also drove east to see some relatives in Biloxi, MS and Panama City.

Here are some of the finer shots from my trip to New Orleans:

Me on a Segway tour of the city. It was pretty neat zooming all over Jackson Square, Moon Walk and even over the levees on a Segway. Life list item crossed off!

An artistic shot I took on Bourbon Street.

Me on the Riverfront. I got a new job while I was there! But they fired me. I was taking baby sips from the beers as I was selling them and they no longer qualified as HUGE ASS.
Talking to statues. And making them understand.

It was great to get to the Crescent City again, and even better to see my Gulf Coast Relatives. Another terrific trip in the books.

One story from the trip: I checked into a seedy hotel in Panama City, FL. It was probably about 11:30PM when I did and I had to ring a bell to get the worker to come check me in through a bank-style window you walk up to outside the front lobby (which was locked). I buzzed the buzzer a few times ... wondering WTF and finally this middle-eastern man man withbloodshot eyes and pillow wrinkle marks on his face came to the window and checked me in. He must have some kind of sleep there deal or sumptin. Anyway, I stayed there 2 nights and when I went to check in for my 8AM flight ... yep, you guessed it. BUZZZZZZZ. BUZZZZZZZZ. [Several Minutes]. Here comes sleepy head, this time his hair was all messed up too. Poor guy - he was probably thrilled to see me go.

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