Sunday, March 23, 2008

Moving update

Welp, I got quite a bit more stuff moved this weekend. I know, I know, I can pay people to move stuff for me. But I'd rather have that money to go out & buy more stuff, so I'm doing it myself (and with the help of friends).

Here are some shots. My porch with stuff:

This box is in one of my closets. It doesn't open and I have no idea what its purpose is. This is my dining room area. The chairs are in (multi-colored on the left side) but the table hasn't yet made the trip.
This is my living room with junk. Lots more stuff to go, so this configuration might not be how it is when it's all done.
Entrance to the master bedroom. That's a pillow & blanket put there as a joke until the real thing arrives.
My bedroom from the inside. I'm going to have to have a sale to fit all my clothes into that closet! LOLThis is BR #2 aka "The Office"
More updates soon. It's time for a nap.


Anonymous said...

You should have made this room a shrine to the Yankees!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Iron Mike--your secretly a Yankee fan--I just know it!